Shale fauna:
LIST OF ALL SPECIES (in alphabetical order):
Acrothyra gregaria (Walcott, 1924a) (Brachiopoda)
armatus (Simonetta, 1970) (Arthropoda)
Alalcomenaeus cambricus (Simonetta, 1970) (Arthropoda)
Aluta? sp. indet. (Arthropoda)
Amiella ornata (Walcott, 1911d) (Enigmata)
Amiskwia sagittiformis (Walcott, 1911d) (Enigmata)
Ancalagon minor (Walcott, 1911d) (Priapulida)
Anomalocaris canadensis (Whiteaves, 1892) 1 (Enigmata)
Anomalocaris nathorsti (Walcott, 1911a) (Enigmata)
Aysheaia pedunculata (Walcott, 1911d) (Onychophora)
Banffia constricta (Walcott, 1911d) (?Polychaeta)
Bidentia difficilis Walcott, 1912a = Leanchoilia superlata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Bosworthia gyges Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
Bosworthia simulans Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
Branchiocaris pretiosa (Resser, 1929) (Arthropoda)
Burgessia bella Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Burgessochaeta setigera Walcott, 1911d (Polychaeta)
Cambrorhytium fragilis (Walcott, 1911d) (?Cnidaria)
Cambrorhytium major (Walcott, 1908a) (?Cnidaria)
Canadaspis obesa Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975= Canadaspis perfecta (Walcott, 1912a) (Arthropoda)
Canadaspis ovalis (Walcott, 1912a) (Arthropoda)
Canadaspis perfecta (Walcott, 1912a) (Arthropoda)
Canadia grandis Walcott, 1931 = Canadia spinosa Walcott, 1911d (Polychaeta)
Canadia regularis Walcott, 1911d = Canadia spinosa Walcott, 1911d (Polychaeta)
Canadia spinosa Walcott, 1911d (Polychaeta)
Canistrumella alternata Rigby, 1986 (Porifera)
Capsospongia undulata (Walcott, 1920) (Porifera)
Carnarvonia venosa Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Chancelloria eros Walcott, 1920 (Enigmata)
Chancia palliseri (Walcott, 1908b) (Arthropoda)
Chaunograptus scandens Ruedemann, 1931 (Hemichordata)
Choia carteri Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Choia ridleyi Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Crumillospongia biporosa Rigby, 1986 (Porifera)
Crumillospongia frondosa Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Dalyia nitans Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
racemata Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
Dilemma Blog, Morris Conway Bibliography, retrieved July 14, 2013.
Diagoniella hindei Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Dictyophycus gracilis Ruedemann, 1931 (Possible Algae)
Dinomischus isolatus Conway Morris, 1977b (Enigmata)
Diraphora bellicostata (Walcott, 1924a) (Brachiopoda)
Echmatocrinus brachiatus Sprinkle, 1973 (Echinodermata)
Ehmaniella burgessensis Rasetti, 1951 (Arthropoda)
Ehmaniella waptaensis Rasetti, 1951 (Arthropoda)
Eiffelia globosa Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
ludwigi Walcott, 1911c (Echinodermata)
permulta (Walcott, 1918b) (Arthropoda)
cf. Elrathina brevifrons Rasetti, 1951 (Arthropoda)
Elrathina cordillerae (Rominger, 1887) (Arthropoda)
Emeraldella brocki Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Emeraldella micrura Walcott, 1912a = Leanchoilia superlata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Emeraldoides problematicus Simonetta, 1964) = Emeraldella brocki Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Eurysaces pielus Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975) = Odaria alata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Falospongia alata Rigby, 1986 (Porifera)
Fasciculus vesanus Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1978a (Ctenophora)
Fieldia lanceolata Walcott, 1912a (Priapulida)
Fieldospongia bellilineata (Walcott, 1920) (Porifera)?Gogia radiata Sprinkle, 1973 (Echinodermata)
Habelia? brevicaudata Simonetta, 1964 (Arthropoda)
Habelia optata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Habelia expansa Walcott, 1918 (Arthropoda)
Halichondrites elissa Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Hallucigenia sparsa (Walcott, 1911d) (Onychophora)
Hamptonia bowerbanki Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Hanburia gloriosa Walcott, 1916b (Arthropoda)
Haplophrentis carinatus (Matthew, 1899) (Hyolitha)
Hazellia conferta Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Hazellia crateria Rigby, 1986 (Porifera)
Hazellia delicatula Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Hazellia dignata (Walcott, 1920) (Porifera)
Hazellia grandis Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Hazellia luteria Rigby, 1986 (Porifera)
Hazellia nodulifera Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Hazellia obscura Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Hazellia palmata Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Helmetia expansa Walcott, 1918a (Arthropoda)
Houghtonites gracilis (Walcott, 1912a) (Arthropoda)
Hurdia dentata Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975 (Enigmata)
Hurdia triangulata Walcott, 1912a (Enigmata)
Hurdia victoria Walcott, 1912a (Enigmata)
Hymenocaris? circularis Walcott, 1912a) = Burgessia bella Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Hymenocaris obliqua Walcott, 1912a = Canadaspis perfecta (Walcott, 1912a) (Arthropoda)
?Hyolithes carinatus = Haplophrentis carinatus (Matthew, 1899) (Hyolitha)
Insolicorypha psygma Conway Morris 1979a (Polychaeta)
Isoxys acutangulus (Walcott, 1908a) (Arthropoda)
Isoxys longissimus Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975 (Arthropoda)
Kootenia burgessensis Resser, 1942 (Arthropoda)
Laggania cambria Walcott, 1911a = Anomalocaris nathorsti (Walcott, 1911a) (Enigmata)
Leanchoilia amphiction Simonetta, 1970 = Leanchoilia superlata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Leanchoilia major Walcott, 1931 = Leanchoilia superlata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Leanchoilia persephone Simonetta, 1970 = Leanchoilia superlata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Leanchoilia protogonia Simonetta, 1970) = Leanchoilia superlata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Leanchoilia superlata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Lecythioscopa simplex Walcott, 1931 (?Priapulida)
Leptomitus lineatus (Walcott, 1920) (Porifera)
Lingulella waptaensis Walcott, 1924a (Brachiopoda)
Louisella pedunculata Walcott, 1911d (Priapulida)
Mackenzia costalis Walcott, 1911c (Cnidaria)
Margaretia dorus Walcott, 1931 (Chlorophyta)
Marpolia spissa Walcott, 1919 (Cyanobacteria)
Marrella splendens Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Metaspriggina walcotti Simonetta and Insom, 1993 (Chordata)
Micromitra burgessensis Resser, 1938 (Brachiopoda)
Miskoia placida Walcott, 1931 = Ottoia prolifica Walcott, 1911d (Priapulida)
Miskoia preciosa Walcott, 1911d = Louisella pedunculata Walcott, 1911d (Priapulida)
Molaria spinifera Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Moleculopina mammilata (Walcott, 1920) (Porifera)
Mollisonia rara Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Mollisonia symmetrica Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
confluens Walcott, 1919 (Cyanobacteria)
elongata Walcott, 1919 (Cyanobacteria)
Morania fragmenta Walcott, 1919 (Cyanobacteria)
Morania? frondosa Walcott, 1919 (Cyanobacteria)
Morania? globosa Walcott, 1919 (Cyanobacteria)
Morania parasitica Walcott, 1919 (Cyanobacteria)
Morania? reticulata Walcott, 1919 (Cyanobacteria)
Naraoia compacta Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
halia Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975) =
Naraoia compacta Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Naraoia pammon Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975 = Naraoia compacta Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Naraoia spinifer Walcott, 1931 (Arthropoda)
Nathorstia transitans Walcott, 1912a) = Olenoides serratus (Rominger, 1887) (Arthropoda)
Nectocaris pteryx Conway Morris, 1976b (Enigmata)
Nisusia burgessensis Walcott, 1924a (Brachiopoda)
Odaria alata Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Odontogriphus omalus Conway Morris, 1976a (?Lophophorata)
Oesia disjuncta Walcott, 1911d (Enigmata)
Olenoides serratus (Rominger, 1887) (Arthropoda)
Opabinia regalis Walcott, 1912a (Enigmata)
Oryctocephalus burgessensis Resser, 1938 (Arthropoda)
Oryctocephalus matthewi Rasetti, 1951 (Arthropoda)
Oryctocephalus reynoldsi Reed, 1899 (Arthropoda)
Oryctocephalus sp. indet. (Arthropoda)
Ottoia prolifica Walcott, 1911d (Priapulida)
"Ottoia" tenuis Walcott, 1911d (Hemichordata)
Pagetia bootes Walcott, 1916b (Arthropoda)
Parahabelia rara Simonetta,1964) = Mollisonia rara Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Parkaspis decamera Rasetti, 1951 (Arthropoda)
Paterinazenobia (Walcott, 1924a) (Brachiopoda)
Peronochaeta dubia (Walcott, 1911d) (Polychaeta)
Peronopsis montis (Matthew, 1899) (Arthropoda)
Perspicaris dicynna (Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975) (Arthropoda)
Perspicaris recondita Briggs, 1977 (Arthropoda)
Peytoia nathorsti Walcott, 1911a) = Anomalocaris nathorsti (Walcott, 1911a) (Enigmata)
Pikaia gracilens Walcott, 1911d (Chordata)
Pirania muricata Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
"Platydendron ovale" Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1978a (Enigmata)
Plenocaris plena (Walcott, 1912a) (Arthropoda)
Pollingeria grandis Walcott, 1911d (Enigmata)
Portalia mira Walcott, 1918a (Enigmata)
Priscansermarinus barnetti Collins and Rudkin, 1981 (Arthropoda)
Proboscicaris agnosta Rolfe, 1962 (Enigmata)
Proboscicaris ingens, Rolfe, 1962 (Enigmata)
Proboscicaris obtusa Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975 (Enigmata)
Protospongia hicksi Hinde, 1887 (Porifera)
Ptychagnostus praecurrens (Westergaard, 1936) (Arthropoda)
Sanctacaris uncata Briggs and Collins, 1988 (Arthropoda)
Sarotrocercus oblita Whittington, 1981b (Arthropoda)
Scenella amii (Matthew, 1902) (?Mollusca)
Scolecofurca rara Conway Morris, 1977d (?Priapulida)
Selkirkia columbia Conway Morris, 1977d (Priapulida)
Selkirkia major Walcott, 1911d = Selkirkia columbia Conway Morris, 1977d (Priapulida)
Sentinelia draco Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Sidneyia inexpectans Walcott, 1911a (Arthropoda)
Skania fragilis Walcott, 1931 (Arthropoda)
Spencella sp. indet. 1 (Rasetti, 1951) (Arthropoda)
Spencella sp. indet. 2 (Rasetti, 1951) (Arthropoda)
Sphaerocodium? cambria Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
Sphaerocodium? praecursor Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
Stephanospongia magnipora Rigby, 1986 (Porifera)
Stephenocolex argutus Conway Morris, 1979a (Polychaeta)
Takakkawia lineata Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Tegopelte gigas Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975 (Arthropoda)
Thaumaptilon walcotti Conway Morris, 1993 (Cnidaria)
Thelxiope palaeothallasia Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975 (Arthropoda)
Triplagnostus burgessensis Rasetti, 1951) = Ptychagnostus praecurrens (Westergaard, 1936) (Arthropoda)
Tubulella (?Polychaeta)
Tuzoia burgessensis Resser, 1929 (Arthropoda)
Tuzoia canadensis Resser, 1929 (Arthropoda)
Tuzoia? parva (Walcott, 1912a) (Arthropoda)
Tuzoia praemorsa Resser, 1929 (Arthropoda)
Tuzoia retifera Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Vauxia bellula Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Vauxia densa Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Vauxia gracilenta Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Vauxia venata Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Wahpia mimica Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
Wahpia virgata Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
Walcottidiscus magister Bassler, 1936 (Echinodermata)
Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler, 1935 (Echinodermata)
Wapkia grandis Walcott, 1920 (Porifera)
Waptia fieldensis Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Waputikia ramosa Walcott, 1919 (Rhodophyta)
Wiwaxia corrugata (Matthew, 1899) (Polychaeta)
Worthenella cambria Walcott, 1911d (Enigmata)
Yohoia tenuis Walcott, 1912a (Arthropoda)
Yuknessia simplex Walcott, 1919 (?Chlorophyta)
SHALE FAUNAL LISTING (taxonomic listing):
[ ] = approx. # of genera
( ) = approx. # of species
in bold: undescribed
Cyanobacteria-Hormogonales (Filamentous Cyanobacteria) [2]:
Marpolia (1)
spissa Walcott, 1919
Morania (7)
confluens Walcott, 1919
elongata Walcott, 1919
fragmenta Walcott, 1919
M? frondosa Walcott, 1919
M? globosa Walcott, 1919
parasitica Walcott, 1919
M? reticulata Walcott, 1919
Algae [8]:
Chlorophyta (Green Algae):
Margaretia (1)
dorus Walcott, 1931
Yuknessia (1)
simplex Walcott, 1919
Rhodophyta (Red Algae):
Bosworthia (2)
gyges Walcott, 1919
simulans Walcott, 1919
Dalyia (2)
nitans Walcott, 1919
racemata Walcott, 1919
Wahpia (2)
mimica Walcott, 1919
virgata Walcott, 1919
Waputikia (1)
ramosa Walcott, 1919
Rhodophyta (Calcareous Algae):
Sphaerocodium ?(2)
S? cambria Walcott, 1919
S? praecursor Walcott, 1919
Possible Algae:
Dictyophycus (1)
gracilis Ruedemann, 1931
Phylum Porifera [20]:
Class Demospongia:
Capsospongia (1)
undulata (Walcott, 1920)
Choia (2)
carteri Walcott, 1920
ridleyi Walcott, 1920
Crumillospongia (2)
biporosa Rigby, 1986
frondosa Walcott, 1920
Falospongia (1)
falata Rigby, 1986
Fieldospongia (1)
bellilineata (Walcott, 1920)
Halichondrites (1)
elissa Walcott, 1920
Hamptonia (1)
bowerbanki Walcott, 1920
Hazellia (9)
conferta Walcott, 1920
crateria Rigby, 1986
delicatula Walcott, 1920
dignata (Walcott, 1920)
grandis Walcott, 1920
luteria Rigby, 1986
nodulifera Walcott, 1920
obscura Walcott, 1920
palmata Walcott, 1920
Leptomitus (1)
lineatus (Walcott, 1920)
Moleculopina (1)
mammilata (Walcott, 1920)
Pirania (1)
muricata Walcott, 1920
Sentinelia (1)
draco Walcott, 1920
Takakkawia (1)
lineata Walcott, 1920
Vauxia (4)
bellula Walcott, 1920
densa Walcott, 1920
gracilenta Walcott, 1920
venata Walcott, 1920
Wapkia (1)
grandis Walcott, 1920
Class: Hexactinellida (Glass sponges):
Diagoniella (1)
hindei Walcott, 1920
Protospongia (1)
hicksi Hinde, 1887
Stephanospongia (1)
magnipora Rigby, 1986
Class Calcarea:
Canistrumella (1)
alternata Rigby, 1986
Eiffelia (1)
globosa Walcott, 1920
Coelenterata [4]:
Phylum Cnidaria:
?Class Anthozoa:
?Order Pennatulacea (Sea Pens and Sea Pansies):
Thaumaptilon (1)
walcotti Conway Morris, 1993
?Order Actiniaria (Sea anemones):
Mackenzia (1)
costalis Walcott, 1911c
?Class Hydrozoa
?Suborder Chondrophorina (By-the-wind Sailors)
Gelenoptron (1)
tentaculatum Conway Morris, 1993
?Phylum Cnidaria
Cambrorhytium (2)
fragilis (Walcott, 1911d)
major (Walcott, 1908a)
Phylum Ctenophora:
Fasciculus (1-maybe 2)
vesanus Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1978a
?Superphylum Lophophorata:
Odontogriphus (1)
omalus Conway Morris, 1976a
Superphylum Lophophorata:
Phylum Brachiopoda [6]:
Class Inarticulata:
Acrothyra (1)
gregaria Walcott, 1924a
Lingulella (1)
waptaensis Walcott, 1924a
Micromitra (1)
burgessensis Resser, 1938
Paterina (1)
zenobia (Walcott, 1924a)
Class Articulata:
Diraphora (1)
bellicostata (Walcott, 1924a)
Nisusia (1)
burgessensis Walcott, 1924a
?Phylum Mollusca [3]:
Class Helcionelloida (Monoplacophora):
Scenella (1)
amii (Matthew, 1902)
Phylum Hyolitha (Hyoliths):
Haplophrentis (1) (?Hyolithes carinatus)
carinatus (Matthew, 1899)
Priapulida [7]:
Phylum Priapulida:
Ancalagon (priapulid or Acanthocephala) (1)
minor (Walcott, 1911d)
Fieldia (1)
lanceolata Walcott, 1912a
Louisella (1)
pedunculata Walcott, 1911d
(=Miskoia preciosa Walcott, 1911d)
Ottoia (1)
prolifica Walcott, 1911d
(=Miskoia placida Walcott, 1931)
Selkirkia (1)
columbia Conway Morris, 1977d
(=S. major Walcott, 1911d)
Probable priapulids:
Lecythioscopa (1)
simplex Walcott, 1931
Scolecofurca (1)
rara Conway Morris, 1977d
Phylum Annelida [25]:
Class Polychaeta:
Burgessochaeta (1)
setigera Walcott, 1911d
Canadia (1)
spinosa Walcott, 1911d
(=C. regularis Walcott, 1911d and C. grandis Walcott, 1931)
Insolicorypha (1)
psygma Conway Morris 1979a
Peronochaeta (1)
dubia (Walcott, 1911d)
Stephenocolex (1)
argutus Conway Morris, 1979a
Wiwaxia (1) (Briggs et al., 1994 classify as a sclerotome-bearing animal)
corrugata (Matthew, 1899)
Other annelids:
Banffia (1)
constricta Walcott, 1911d (Briggs et al., 1994 list as an animal not assigned to a major group)
Tubulella (not in Briggs et al.,1994)
Phylum Onychophora [2]:
Aysheaia (1)
pedunculata Walcott, 1911d
Hallucigenia (1) (? onychophoran)
sparsa (Walcott, 1911d)
Phylum Arthropoda [44], including 14 trilobites:
Branchiocaris (1)
pretiosa (Resser, 1929)
Marrella (1 - maybe 2, Devereux pers. comm.)
splendens Walcott, 1912a
Subphylum Crustacea and Crustaceanomorphs:
Canadaspis (2)
ovalis (Walcott, 1912a)
perfecta (Walcott, 1912a) (=Hymenocaris obliqua Walcott, 1912a and Canadaspis obesa Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975)
Carnarvonia (1)
venosa Walcott, 1912a
Isoxys (2)
acutangulus (Walcott, 1908a)
longissimus Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975
Odaria (1)
alata Walcott, 1912a
(=Eurysaces pielus Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975)
Perspicaris (2)
dicynna (Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975)
recondita Briggs, 1977
Plenocaris (1)
plena (Walcott, 1912a)
Tuzoia (5)
burgessensis Resser, 1929
canadensis Resser, 1929
T? parva (Walcott, 1912a)
praemorsa Resser, 1929
retifera Walcott, 1912a
Waptia (1)
fieldensis Walcott, 1912a
Class Ostracoda:
Aluta? (1)
sp. indet. 1
Class Cirripedia:
Priscansermarinus (1) (?Lepidomorph barnacle)
barnetti Collins and Rudkin, 1981
Subphylum Arachnomorpha:
Class Trilobita:
Chancia (1)
palliseri (Walcott, 1908b)
Ehmaniella (2)
burgessensis Rasetti, 1951
waptaensis Rasetti, 1951
Elrathia (1)
permulta (Walcott, 1918b)
Elrathina (2)
cf. E. brevifrons Rasetti, 1951
cordillerae (Rominger, 1887)
Hanburia (1)
gloriosa Walcott, 1916b
Kootenia (1)
burgessensis Resser, 1942
Naraoia (2)
compacta Walcott, 1912a (=N. pammon Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975 and N. halia Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975)
spinifer Walcott, 1931
Olenoides (1)
serratus (Rominger, 1887) (=Nathorstia transitans Walcott, 1912a)
Oryctocephalus (4)
burgessensis Resser, 1938
matthewi Rasetti, 1951
reynoldsi Reed, 1899
sp. indet. 1
Pagetia (1)
bootes Walcott, 1916b
Parkaspis (1)
decamera Rasetti, 1951
Peronopsis (1)
montis (Matthew, 1899)
Ptychagnostus (1)
praecurrens (Westergaard, 1936) (=Triplagnostus burgessensis Rasetti, 1951)
Spencella (2)
sp. indet. 1 (Rasetti, 1951)
sp. indet. 2 (Rasetti, 1951)
Tegopelte (1)
gigas Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975
Class Chelicerata:
Sanctacaris (1)
uncata Briggs and Collins, 1988
Other Arthropods:
Actaeus (1)
armatus Simonetta, 1970
Alalcomenaeus (1)
cambricus Simonetta, 1970
Burgessia (1)
bella Walcott, 1912a (=Hymenocaris? circularis Walcott, 1912a)
Emeraldella (1)
brocki Walcott, 1912a (=Emeraldoides problematicus Simonetta, 1964)
Habelia (3)
H? brevicaudata Simonetta, 1964
optata Walcott, 1912a
expansa Walcott, 1918
Helmetia (1)
expansa Walcott, 1918a
Houghtonites (1)
gracilis (Walcott, 1912a)
Leanchoilia (1)
superlata Walcott, 1912a (=Bidentia difficilis Walcott, 1912a; Emeraldella micrura Walcott, 1912a; Leanchoilia major Walcott, 1931; L. amphiction Simonetta, 1970; L. persephone Simonetta, 1970; L. protogonia Simonetta, 1970)
Molaria (1)
spinifera Walcott, 1912a
Mollisonia (2)
rara Walcott, 1912a (=Parahabelia rara Simonetta,1964)
symmetrica Walcott, 1912a
Sarotrocercus (1)
oblita Whittington, 1981b
Sidneyia (1)
inexpectans Walcott, 1911a
Skania (1)
fragilis Walcott, 1931
Thelxiope (1)
palaeothallasia Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975
Yohoia (1)
tenuis Walcott, 1912a
Phylum Echinodermata [5]:
Class Cystoidea:
?Gogia (1)
radiata Sprinkle, 1973
Class Crinoidea:
Echmatocrinus (1)
brachiatus Sprinkle, 1973
Class Edrioasteroidea:
Walcottidiscus (2)
magister Bassler, 1936
typicalis Bassler, 1935
Class Holothuroidea:
Eldonia (1)
ludwigi Walcott, 1911c
Phylum Chordata:
Metaspriggina (1)
walcotti Simonetta and Insom, 1993
Pikaia (1)
gracilens Walcott, 1911d
Phylum Hemichordata
Class Enteropneusta?:
"Ottoia" (1)
tenuis Walcott, 1911d
Class Graptolithina?
Chaunograptus (1)
scandens Ruedemann, 1931
Enigmata (animals not assigned to major groups):
Anomalocarids [3?]:
Amiella (1)
ornata Walcott, 1911d
Anomalocaris (2)
canadensis Whiteaves, 1892
nathorsti (Walcott, 1911a) (=Laggania cambria Walcott, 1911a and Peytoia nathorsti Walcott, 1911a)
Appendage "F"
Hurdia (3)
dentata Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975
triangulata Walcott, 1912a
victoria Walcott, 1912a
Peytoia (several spp.)
Proboscicaris (3)
agnosta Rolfe, 1962
ingens, Rolfe, 1962
obtusa Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1975
Amiskwia (1)
sagittiformis Walcott, 1911d
Dinomischus (1)
isolatus Conway Morris, 1977b
Nectocaris (1)
pteryx Conway Morris, 1976b
Oesia (1)
disjuncta Walcott, 1911d
Opabinia (1)
regalis Walcott, 1912a
"Platydendron ovale" Simonetta and Delle Cave, 1978a
Pollingeria (1)
grandis Walcott, 1911d
Portalia (1)
mira Walcott, 1918a
Worthenella (1)
cambria Walcott, 1911d
Scleritome-bearing animals:
Chancelloria (sponge?) (1)
eros Walcott, 1920
Aitken, J.D. 1989. Birth, growth and death of the Middle Cambrian Cathedral carbonate lithosome, Southern Rocky Mountains. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 37(3): 316-333.
Aitken, J.D., and McIlreath, I.A. 1984. The Cathedral Reef Escarpment: a Cambrian great wall with humble origins. Geos 13(1): 17-19.
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Virtual Fossul Museum - Burgess Shale; Also see Chengjiang Maotianshan Shales and Chengjiang Biota
Yochelson, E.L. 1961. The operculum and mode of life of Hyolithes. Journal of Paleontology 35(1): 152-161.
Burgess taxonomy authors - descriptions of new species (refs. from Briggs et al., 1994):
Bassler (1935)
Bassler (1936)
Briggs (1977)
Briggs and Collins (1988)
Briggs, D. E. G., Erwin, D. H., and Collier, F. J. (1994) The Fossils of the Burgess Shale. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 238 pp.
Collins and Rudkin (1981)
Conway Morris, S. (1976a)
Conway Morris, S. (1976b)
Conway Morris, S. (1977b)
Conway Morris, S. (1977d)
Conway Morris, S. (1979a)
Conway Morris, S. (1993)
Hinde (1887)
Matthew (1899)
Matthew (1902)
Rasetti (1951)
Reed (1899)
Resser (1929)
Resser (1938)
Resser (1942)
Rigby (1986)
Rolfe (1962)
Rominger (1887)
Ruedemann (1931)
Simonetta (1964)
Simonetta (1970)
Simonetta and Delle Cave (1975)
Simonetta and Delle Cave (1978a)
Simonetta and Inson (1993)
Sprinkle (1973)
Walcott (1908a)
Walcott (1908b)
Walcott (1911a)
Walcott (1911c)
Walcott (1911d)
Walcott (1912a)
Walcott, 1916b)
Walcott (1918a)
Walcott (1918b)
Walcott (1919)
Walcott (1920)
Walcott (1924a)
Walcott (1931)
Westergaard (1936)
Whiteaves (1892)
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