Dicranopeltis cf.
C. decipiens (Weller, 1907)
Encrinurus (cromus) beaumonti (Barrande, 1852)
Cheirurus cf.
C. insignus Beyrich
Leonaspis (Acanthalomina) minuta (Barrande, 1852)
Trochurus sp. indet.
Scutellum sp. indet.
Proetus sp. indet.
and Metaclaymene sp.?
The Gazelle Formation crops out along the eastern edge of the Klamath Mountains, Siskiyou County, California. It is a eugeosynclinal suite of rocks which escaped metamorphism, and contains a well-preserved fauna of trilobites and brachiopods.
Churkin, M. Jr. (1961) Silurian trilobites from the Klamath Mountains, California. Journal of Paleontology, V. 35, No. 1, pp. 168-175
*researched by Kevin Brett and Richie Kurkewicz
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