Name: Nevadia parvoconica Fritz, 1992
Superfamily: "Nevadioidea" Hupé, 1953
Suborder: Olenellina Walcott, 1890
Redlichiida Richter, 1932
Locality: Esmeralda County, Nevada
Stratigraphy: Lower Cambrian, Poleta Fm., Dyeran Stage
left photo: cephalon 4 cm wide; right photo: cephalon 3 cm wide.
Remarks: Photos: Richie Kurkewicz Pangaea Collection
Comments: Courtesy of Stew Hollingsworth
"The photographs are a nevadiid I now identify as
Nevadia parvoconica Fritz, 1992. It
may prove to be conspecific with the form named Nevadia
addyensis. It occurs in the lower part of the middle member of the
Poleta Formation almost everywhere I've looked."
Trilobites Association: