Olenellus gilberti




Name: Olenellus gilberti
(Meek, 1874)

Order Redlichiida, Superfamily Olenelloidea, Family Olenellidae (Walcott, 1890) 
Locality: Left: Ruin Wash, Lincoln Co., Nevada; Middle: Gold Ace, Nopah Range, California;  Right: Pioche, Nevada
Stratigraphy: Left: Lower C-Shale Member, Pioche Shale Formation, Lower Cambrian (Upper Olenellus Zone); Middle: Carrara Formation; Right Combined Metals Member, Pioche Shale Formation, Lower Cambrian
Remarks: Left: Photo: Kevin Brett; Middle and right: Photo: G. Ast Collection


Olenellus gilberti is a widespread species - also found in the Inyo-White Mountains, Eastern California (Bonnia-Olenellus Biozone).


Western Trilobites Association:
Trilobite Genera / Species I Trilobite Formations I Trilobite Locations