Name: Tricepicephalus sp.
Trilobite Order Ptychopariida, Family Tricrepicephalidae
Locality: southeastern British Columbia, Canada
Stratigraphy: McKay Group, Upper Cambrian
Remarks: Photo: G. Ast Collection
“By the number of segments (12) and general shape,
it looks like some species of Tricrepicephalus, although I have not seen
any reported from the McKay Group. However, there is "Tricrepicephalus
texanus" in Montana and the Mackenzie Mountains of northwest Canada
which would be the same age as the McKay Group. Pratt (1992) regarded T.texanus
as a synonym of T.coria. There are a lot of other species of Tricrepicephalus
in Montana and South Dakota. The pygidium on this one does not look quite like
So this may be a new species, but I definitely think it is a Tricrepicephalus.”
(courtesy James Cook).
Trilobites Association: