Name: "Genevievella granulatus" (formerly "Democephalus" granulatus)
Superfamily Ptychparioidea, Family:
Llanoaspididae Lochman in Lochman and Duncan, 1944
Genus: Genevievella Lochman, 1936
Type species.—Genevievella neunia Lochman, 1936, p. 41, pl. 9,
Locality: House
Range, Millard Co., Utah
Stratigraphy: Weeks Formation, Upper Cambrian
Remarks: Fossil Mall
Size: 28 mm
This genus is not formally named and occurs in Beebe (1990) unpublished thesis. It will be described in an upcoming article by Dr. Shanan Peters.
is not really Democephalus in the Weeks, but is instead Genevievella.
The taxonomy follows:
Family Llanoaspididae Lochman in Lochman and Duncan, 1944
Genus Genevievella Lochman, 1936
Type species.—Genevievella neunia Lochman, 1936, p. 41, pl. 9, figs.
See also: Weeks Formation Plate 3 (includes: Genevievella granulatus, Tricrepicephalus texanus, Beckwithia typa, and Lingulella sp. ). Many thanks to Dr. Shanan Peters for his permission to use these unpublished plates (Shanan Peters, unpubl. dissertation, 2003). As these are unpublished plates, and the sole property of Dr. Peters, permission from the author must be gained in order to reproduce these plates. Please note that these plates are not from the final, peer-reviewed version of the manuscript.
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