Wanneriid new sp.


Elliptocephala Trilobite


Name: Wanneriid new sp. Elliptocephala


Order Redlichiida, Suborder Olenellina, Superfamily Olenelloidea, Family Holmiidae
Locality: Esmeralda Co., Nevada

Stratigraphy: Lower Cambrian , Poleta Formation, Dyeran Stage

Size: 2 cm

Remarks: Richie Kurkewicz Pangaea Collection

Comments: Courtesy of Stew Hollingsworth "Your photograph is a form I have referred to as a "new wanneriid". This is the first trilobite genus to appear at the base of the Dyeran Stage. Lisa Bohach (1997) put this in the genus Elliptocephala. Fritz has an unpublished manuscript in which he would have created a new genus for this wanneriid."


Western Trilobites Association:
Trilobite Genera / Species I Trilobite Formations I Trilobite Locations