Glyphaspis capella

Glyphaspis capella

Name: Glyphaspis capella (Walcott)
Trilobite Order Asaphida, Superfamily Anomocaroidea, Family Anomocarellidae
Locality: Three Forks, Montana
Stratigraphy: Wolsey Formation, Middle Cambrian
Remarks: Photo: G. Ast. Specimen with Olenoides nevadensis

Name: Glyphaspis capella (Walcott)
Trilobite Order Asaphida, Superfamily Anomocaroidea, Family Anomocarellidae
Locality: Nixon Gulch, Manhattan, Montana
Stratigraphy: Wolsey Formation, Middle Cambrian
Remarks: Collected by Robert Hazen, photographed by Richie Kurkewicz
This is by far the most common species from this location, making up
probably 90% of the finds.

Western Trilobites Association:
Trilobite Genera / Species I Trilobite Formations I Trilobite Locations